My new favorite family, the Melendys

There was a time, not so very long ago, when I was not familiar with the Melendy family.  Sure, I had heard them mentioned by friends, and they sounded like a nice enough family.  But my life, I thought, was full.  Ooops.

The Saturdays (Melendy Family)For those that don’t know about the Melendys, they are the center of a series of four books by Elizabeth Enright: The Saturdays, The Four-Story Mistake, Then There Were Five, and Spiderweb for Two.  Frankly, part of my intrigue was also based on the fact that Enright is a neice of Frank Lloyd Wright.  But though these books have been mentioned to me with loving affection for years, I just had never gotten around to reading them (curses to the too-long to-read list!) 

And then I finally read Gone-Away Lake and fell in love.  So, it seemed only natural to eventually get to the Melendy family.  I spent a good chunk of New Year’s Eve reading The Saturdays.  I was almost (but not really. . .) disappointed when my friend finally arrived that night.  I finished it the next day.  This past weekend, I dived into The Four-Story Mistake.  I am still waiting on the library to send me the last two.  A dear friend has also lent Doublefields, which is a memoir/short story combo.  So yes, Enright is about to become a much bigger part of this blog.

Here are just a few of the things I love about these books:

1.  The kids feel infinitely real.  I have known kids like Oliver.  And Mona and Rush and Randy.

2.  Everybody needs a Cuffy in their life.  My grandmother lived with us throughout my childhood, and she and Cuffy definitely share some similiarities.

3.  Their adventures!!  Randy discovers that an “old Elephant” actually has a story worth hearing–and is a good friend to have.  Oliver runs away to the circus (sorta).   They put on shows!

4.  They have fabulous homes.  First, a brownstone with an amazing attic.  Then, the Four-Story Mistake, complete with a secret room.  They summer at a light house.

5.  The books are downright funny.  And charming.  And the writing is simply luminous.

There’s so much more, but I have a feeling I’ll be referring to these books often.

From a history perspective, they’re set right in the midst of WWII.  Even better, they were published during the war, so Enright isn’t writing with the gift of hindsight.  In The Saturdays (published in 1941), Hitler is definitely on their minds and they’re definitely aware of what’s going on in the world.  At one point, Randy asks Cuffy: “What was it like when the world was peaceful, Cuffy?’ ‘Ah,’ said Cuffy, coming up again.  ‘It seemed like a lovely world; anyway on top where it showed.  But it didn’t last long.”

The Four-Story MistakeBy The Four-Story Mistake (published 1942), the war is, as expected, a much bigger part of their lives.  The kids decide to put on a play to raise money for war bonds.  Mona has a complete plan of things they can do to help–save paper and metal, practice first aid (this part made me giggle a bit), knit, and buy Defense Bonds.  Of course, with not much allowance, they have to do something extra special to raise the money.  Even after the Big Show (which is a delightful success!), the bond issue comes up again and again as the kids end up with extra jobs–and the cash to buy more bonds.

But what’s so wonderful about all of this (from the history nerd perspective) is that there is no explanatory note about what a war bond is at the back of the book.  There are no extra insertions of the authorial voice to explain what’s going on.  This was a current book, and the first crop of readers knew exactly what was going on.  And yes, the cynic in me thinks that perhaps “The Show” chapter was put in there to be inspirational for young readers during the war.  However, the me that in the crush phase of a new literary relationship is pretty sure that’s not the case at all.  But even if it was, it’s done so well and so smoothly that it’s not the slightest bit jarring or preachy.  These books are wonderful examples of those books that are published as contemporary and survive to become historical.

8 responses to “My new favorite family, the Melendys”

  1. Oh, I’m so thrilled you love them. Unsurprised but thrilled.


  2. And I admire your restraint in not yelling “I told you so!!!!”


  3. I think that–while not necessarily The Show, but the whole conversation that leads to the show, and some stuff that continues into the next book–is sort of meant to inspire, it’s more an outgrowth of the general mood of the country at that time than Purposeful Teaching. And that is why it’s so very okay.

    I always thought it was very weird that Mona had this idea that practicing first aid was part of the War Effort (when I say “always” I mean from ages 8 to 10, probably) until I started reading other, less famous books written at that time, and non-fiction things like Girl Scout and Campfire Girls manuals, where I began to see that that really was something encouraged as being patriotic and necessary.

    Enright wrote a lovely author’s note that’s in the front of my omnibus edition of the first three books–I don’t know if it’s available anywhere else. I could photocopy it for you, if you’re interested. She talks a little about the origins of the Melendy Family, the houses, etc.


  4. My library copy of The Saturdays had an author’s note (written in 1947, I believe) and I’m assuming that’s the same thing.
    I’m planning to buy these books sooner rather than later, so hopefully my future copies will have that note too. It was delightful!


  5. […] about those books and history–or at least history other than my own.  As I’ve mentioned previously, I’ve recently fallen in love with the Melendy family.  In The Saturdays, set in the […]


  6. […] several times that I am completely head over heels in love with Elizabeth Enright and the Melendy family.  A friend who is also on the Elizabeth Enright bandwagon offered to lend me Doublefields, a […]


  7. Robin Schumacher Avatar
    Robin Schumacher

    The Melendy family books were my absolute favorite books as I child. I discovered The Saturdays first, but I think Then There Were Five could be my absolute favorite! I loved the feel of the books–a house filled with love, lots of freedom for kids to explore and be who they were,
    and the encouragement for kids to be creative and unique! I put on many neighborhood shows
    after reading about the Melendy family and the wonderful shows they put on for friends and family!


  8. elinor w. williams Avatar
    elinor w. williams

    I loved the Melendys. My favorite book was the Four Story Mistake. I loved all of the adventures that the Melendy kids had. I felt I was present in the Melendys’ lives. Elizabeth Enright has such a rare gift in making her characters seem real..


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